Try These 5 Tips to Stay Motivated All Day
Posted by onAre you stuck in a rut and find it difficult to stay motivated once that midday afternoon energy slump kicks in? If so, you are definitely not alone. But, here’s the thing. We are sharing our top five hacks to staying motivated all day so that you can crush every single goal on your to-do list.
Feeling Stressed, Anxious, and Irritable? Here are 4 Daily Self-Care Practices to Transform Your Mental Health
Posted by onLife can be busy which can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety. This is especially true for many of us who may not have the time to practice regular self-care. However, self-care is such a critical part of taking care of your health, and just five to ten minutes per day can completely transform your mental health.
Is Caffeine Making Your Anxiety Worse? Plus Natural & Effective Caffeine Alternatives
Posted by onDo you have your coffee maker set to brew your first cup of coffee even before you get out of bed, and rely on two to three additional cups to get you through your day? If so, you may be familiar with that caffeine crash you get shortly after your cup of joe, and just how anxious and jittery caffeine can make you feel.
The good news is that there are some great natural caffeine alternatives that will help support energy levels but won’t leave you feeling anxious and jittery.
Why Saying No More Often May Lead to a Happier Life
Posted by onDo you find yourself overwhelmed, stressed, and constantly wondering how you are going to get everything done on your to-do list? So many of us live a life with a full plate with little to no time for self-care. Often times this happens because we are so used to saying yes to everything that comes our way. While it’s normal to want to please the ones we love around us, sometimes saying no can be the best thing for your physical and mental health.
In this post, we are going to look at why saying no more can lead to a happier life and how you can get used to saying no when something no longer serves you and your life.
The Four Adaptogenic Herbs That Help Promote a Happier Mood
Posted by onIf you’re feeling burnt out, tired, and just down in the dumps, you may be desperate to figure out how to boost your positivity and overall mood each day. For many of us, day to day stress can certainly get in the way of a positive mood, and can make us less productive. However, there are some great natural ways you can promote a happier mood while also supporting overall health.
3 Fast & Delicious Recipes Using Adaptogens
Posted by onAdding adaptogenic herbs into your life can make a massive difference if how you go about your day to day life. They can help support energy, mental focus, improve sleep, and support a better mood. These are all things many of us could benefit from. But, you may wonder how exactly you go about adding these herbs to your diet or supplement routine.
On top of supplementing with an adaptogenic blend like Yinergy or Vigor, you can also add certain adaptogens to recipes without altering the flavor all that much!
Here are three fast and delicious recipes you can make in under fifteen minutes using adaptogens.