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Rethink Your New Year’s Goals For Your Most Successful Year Yet

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Rethink Your New Year’s Goals For Your Most Successful Year Yet

Happy New Year! As we jump into the very first day of a brand new decade, you may be thinking about your New Year’s resolutions. This year, we challenge you to think about them in a bit of a different light. Take a more realistic and self-care centered approach to make this your best year yet. 

Here are our top tips to help you rethink your New Year’s goals as we begin 2020. 


3 Tips to Help You Rethink Your New Year's Goals For Your Best Year Yet 

#1 Put Self-Care First

2019 was a year that really put self-care front and center. Many started to realize the importance of prioritizing self-care. However, in 2020, take this up a notch! Take daily steps towards taking better care of you! With a healthier you, all of your other goals may just seem to fall into place. 

Focus on reducing stress where you can, moving your body regularly, prioritizing sleep, and if you need a bit of a boost, consider supplementing with adaptogens. Yinergy or Vigor are blends that can help support your adrenals and your body’s stress response, which is something we all could benefit from in this new year! 

#2 Don’t Put So Much Pressure on Yourself 

This time of year comes with a lot of “you shoulds,” but we’re here to tell you not to put so much pressure on yourself! Putting too much pressure on setting that “perfect” resolution makes it more likely that it won’t be something you see through the entire year. 

Instead of feeling pressured to set just the right new year’s goal, pick one or two things that feel right to you, even if it seems much smaller than resolutions you may have set in the past. 

For example, maybe you want to wake up ten minutes earlier to stretch and meditate—ten minutes is more doable than an hour! So, start small, and make consistent steps each and every day, and you’ll be more likely to see yourself working on your goals all year long. 

#3 Don’t Take an All or Nothing Approach

This year, don’t feel like you have to take an all or nothing approach to your health and wellness goals. Maybe you want to eat cleaner, but don’t feel up to radically changing your diet overnight. Why not start with eliminating one food and swapping in one healthier choice? Do this one food at a time, and by the end of the year, you may just be eating healthier than you ever have before. 

Take a Different Approach to The New Year

There can be so much pressure around setting New Year’s goals and coming up with the “perfect” New Year’s resolutions, but this year, take the pressure out of the equation. Use these hacks to go about taking on this new year in a new light, and feel better than you ever have before! 

Cheers to a wonderful start to 2020! 


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