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No Gym Membership? Here are Four Ways to Stay Fit Without Leaving Your House

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No Gym Membership? Here are Four Ways to Stay Fit Without Leaving Your House

Fitness goals are one of the top New Year’s resolutions seen every single year. So many people are looking to get back into shape or continue working towards their fitness goals, and you may notice that your gym is flooded with new members this time of year. However, what if you don’t have a gym membership or you want to avoid the crowds? You have options!

If you want to get in shape and stay fit without leaving your house, keep reading.


4 Ways to Stay Fit Without a Gym Membership   


#1 Online Fitness Classes: Times are changing, and there are more and more online fitness class options available today, so much so that you really don’t even need to go to the gym to stay fit. The beauty about online fitness classes is that if you get bored of one type of exercise, there are hundreds of others to choose from. Get fit by picking a handful of different online classes you like and stick to it!

Need some added motivation? Get a friend involved to come and join you for a workout a couple of times per week.

#2 Use The Stairs: If you have stairs in your house, use them! You don’t even need to leave your house and go to the gym to get on that stair climber many of us dread using! Instead, you can use your stairs at home and use them as you would a stair climber at the gym. Add this to your home circuit routine which we are going to talk about next.

#3 At Home Circuit: If you have a little extra space in your house, set it up as your workout area, and do some circuit exercises. Crunches, planks, pushups, and lunges don’t require any equipment at all and can give you a great workout! All you need is a little extra space, and you are good to go.

#4 Yoga: Some gyms offer yoga classes, but you definitely don’t need a gym membership to do yoga. You can find thousands of online yoga classes or even DVD’s that you can play right in the comfort of your own home. Yoga makes an excellent low-impact way to move your body while also reducing stress levels.

Don’t let not having a gym membership stop you from reaching your fitness goals this year! Use these tips to kick it into high gear and feel your best both physically and mentally this year.

Want to boost your athletic performance and recovery time? Try our Magnificent Mushrooms Athletic Blend to compliment your new workout routine!


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