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Strawberry, Hibiscus, and Rosehip Creamsicles

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Strawberry, Hibiscus, and Rosehip Creamsicles

Strawberry, Hibiscus, and Rosehip Creamsicles  

Serves: 8


·      2 cups of full-fat unsweetened Greek yogurt 

·      ½ cup of brewed Dr. Vim’s Rosehip Hibiscus tea (chilled)

·      2 cups of strawberries 

·      1 tsp. pure vanilla extract


1.     Start by adding 1 cup of the yogurt and 1 cup of the strawberries with the brewed tea to a blender and blend until smooth. 

2.     Next, chop up the remaining 1 cup of the strawberries and add them to the base of each popsicle mold. 

3.     Add a layer of the plain yogurt to the molds followed by the strawberry yogurt blend. 

4.     Keep adding layers alternating between the plain yogurt and the strawberry blend until the popsicle molds are filled. 

5.     Add a popsicle stick and freeze overnight for best results. 

6.     When you are ready to enjoy, you can run the popsicle molds under warm water for a couple of seconds to loosen them just enough without melting the popsicles.  

7.     Enjoy right away! 



Adding our rosehip and hibiscus tea to this recipe will give you an excellent boost of vitamin C and antioxidants making this sweet treat guilt-free and delicious. 

Want another tea recipe? Check out our latest hibiscus tea recipe here. 


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