Winter is quickly approaching which means much colder temperatures. This can be a reason to keep you bundled up inside and can make getting off the couch that much harder! However, colder weather doesn’t have to be a reason to not stay active this winter. If you are looking for ways to stay fit even during the coldest days, here are five ways to do that that don’t involve freezing outside in the cold.
5 Ways to Stay Fit This Winter
#1 Press Play on an Exercise Video: Online workouts have become more and more popular, and they are perfect for this time of year. You can find just about any style of exercise online to do in the comfort of your own home. Find one you like and stick with it, or mix it up depending on your mood that day!
#2 Go to an Exercise Class: If you’re up to it, get out and go to an exercise class. Not only will you get a good workout in, but it’s also a great way to meet people, so get out and be social while also doing something really great for your health.
#3 Get Extra Steps in During Holiday Shopping: Have you started doing your holiday shopping? This time of year, so many people are out and about shopping. Why not get some extra steps in by parking further away from the store entrance or taking the stairs whenever you can? You can get your shopping done all while getting your daily steps in. It’s a win, win.
#4 Set up a Home Gym: If you have even just a little bit of extra space in your home, set up a spot to do your workouts. You don’t need fancy equipment. A yoga mat, some resistance bands or some light weights will do! Having a dedicated spot in your house to exercise can help set you up for success and help push you to exercise each day.
#5 Pick an Accountability Partner: This time of year, it’s easy to become unmotivated. The cold weather and the hearty foods can make us forget to take care of ourselves by staying active. This is where picking an accountability partner comes in. Team up with a friend or family member to make a commitment to exercise at least four days per week, Keep each other in check to make sure you are sticking to your exercise plan.
Bonus Tip: We just launched out brand new Magnificent Mushroom line and are excited to offer an Athletic mushroom blend! This winter, try including this blend into your supplement routine to help you recover faster, improve stamina, and decrease fatigue.
While the winter can make exercising outside difficult, don’t let the cold weather drag you down and ruin your exercise goals. Stick to your goals and adjust how you exercise. Try these five tips for staying fit this winter and see how much closer you are to reaching your goals by the time New Year’s rolls around. You will be way ahead of your New Year’s resolution feeling better about you and your health.