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4 Stress-Busting Foods to Add to Your Diet This Spring

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4 Stress-Busting Foods to Add to Your Diet This Spring

If you feel like your stress levels are at an all-time high, you’re definitely not alone. During uncertain times, stress can get the best of us — but even amongst everything going on in the world around us, there are some things we are in control of, and the foods we eat happen to be one. 

We’re sharing our four favorite stress-busting foods to try to nourish your body and possibly help you feel a bit less stressed. 


4 Stress-Busting Foods   

#1 Dark Chocolate 

Yes, believe it or not, chocolate can be healthy! We’re talking about the 70% or darker varieties of chocolate (the real deal) that’s packed full of antioxidants and, research has shown that consuming chocolate helps lower stress hormones in the body! Keep in mind that not all chocolate is created equal, so stick to the higher quality no sugar added chocolate bars and go for dark chocolate (70% or higher) to reap all of those antioxidant benefits as well! 

#2 Avocados 

If you need another reason to enjoy guacamole on Taco Tuesday, we’re inviting you to keep doing so! Avocados are rich in B vitamins, which is important because having a B vitamin deficiency has been linked to anxiety. 

So, keep enjoying this healthy fat by blending some into a smoothie, enjoying on toast, or making homemade guac! 

#3 Herbal Teas 

There’s just something about sipping on a warm mug of tea that brings an overall sense of calm and a great herbal option is Holy Basil. Here at Dr. Vim’s we offer Holy Basil Tulsi tea, that’s known to be an adaptogenic restorative beverage. Consider sipping on this during times of stress to help bring an overall sense of Zen to your day. 

#4 Dark Leafy Greens

Eating more greens can benefit us in more ways than one, and their rich folate content may do our mood and mental wellbeing some good. Research has shown some promising results when it comes to folate and depression, giving us one more reason to eat our greens! 

Combat Stress Through Nutrition 

Eating healthy is always a good idea, and it affects more than just our physical health, but our mental health as well. 

Try adding these four foods into your diet to see how they make you feel. They may even become staples in your diet even after this time of increased stress. 


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