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What you Need to Know to Snack Smart (+ 3 Blood Sugar Stabilizing Snack Ideas)

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What you Need to Know to Snack Smart (+ 3 Blood Sugar Stabilizing Snack Ideas)

Snacks are often a topic of confusion when it comes to eating healthy. While some diets may tell you to forgo snacks altogether, other diets will tell you how important snacks are to keep you nourished in between meals.

The thing about snacks is that it can really go either way, and it all depends on the foods you snack on. Snacks can either provide added nourishment and blood sugar support between meals, or they can throw your blood sugar levels completely out of whack if you snack on sugary and processed foods.

Snacking smart is all about choosing nutrient-dense foods that are rich in healthy fats, protein, and fiber to keep your blood sugar levels stable.

Here are three blood sugar stabilizing snack ideas to help you stay full and feel your best each day.


3 Blood Sugar Stabilizing Snack Ideas


#1 Half an Avocado with Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice & Sea Salt: Avocados make the perfect blood sugar stabilizing snack to help hold you over until your next meal! They are rich in healthy fat and fiber and can help keep you full for longer periods of time. Try slicing an avocado in half, add some freshly squeezed lemon juice, and a pinch of sea salt for a delicious snack.

#2 Nuts & Seeds with Fresh Berries: Nuts contain healthy fats, plant-based protein, and dietary fiber making them an excellent snack choice to keep blood sugar levels in check. You can get creative and make a homemade trail mix with some raw almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, and unsweetened dried fruit like cranberries. Pair this with a half a cup of fresh berries, and you have yourself a well balanced and nutritious snack.

#3 Hummus with Veggies: Hummus is a delicious snack choice and can help keep you full between meals. The great thing about hummus is that it is super simple to make, so you don’t necessarily have to get the store-bought option. Try making your own hummus with canned chickpeas, tahini, garlic, and some olive oil. You can also play with the flavors a bit and add in some peppers for some added heat, or some of your favorite herbs and spices. Pair your favorite hummus with some sliced veggies or gluten-free pita chips for a fiber-rich and filling snack.

If you snack smart, you can help keep your blood sugar levels stabilized throughout the day and keep your energy levels high and your mood stable. Skip the sugary snack options, and choose some of these whole food options instead to feel your best and nourish your body with the nutrients it needs to help you function at your best.


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