The official start to summer is right around the corner, and with warmer weather comes more time outside — more time outside often means a boost in mood, and some of us even feel more productive when we get a daily dose of the sunshine vitamin.
We’re sharing five additional ways to help boost mood and productivity so we all can go into summer feeling a bit more upbeat.
Do These 5 Things Daily to Boost Mood & Productivity

#1 Start With a Simple Morning Ritual
A morning ritual can be a game-changer in starting your day off on the right foot. Try implementing some sort of routine like getting up and doing a quick stretch and a few minutes of meditation or listening to a motivating podcast while sipping your tea.
You could even look at your daily to-do list and organize the tasks you want to cross off your list first.
#2 Take Five Daily
Each day, take five minutes to either meditate or practice some deep breathing. This can be a great tool when you are feeling tense or when you need to muster up some energy. Start with just five minutes per day and work your way up from there.
#3 Get Outside
Getting outside in the fresh air daily does the mind and body good! Try getting outside for lunch or going for a brisk walk before your busy day gets started. Chances are, you’ll feel much better when you have to return to your daily to-dos.
#4 Try Adaptogens
Here at Dr. Vim’s, we offer adaptogenic herb blends (Yinergy) for women and (Vigor) for men. Our formulas are optimized to help support energy and focus without stimulants, while also providing adrenal support. Wondering how adaptogens may help support you? Click to learn more about Yinergy and Vigor.
#5 Move Daily
Getting the body moving is a great way to feel that post-workout endorphin rush, leaving us with a better mood. Try doing some form of movement daily, even if it's just a quick walk or an evening yoga routine!
It’s been a stressful spring, especially with most of us being stuck inside more than usual. So, let’s all go into summer feeling our best with a better mood and improved productivity!