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Here’s How a Spring Cleaning May Boost Your Mood

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Here’s How a Spring Cleaning May Boost Your Mood

With the official start of March, Spring is truly right around the corner. A new month, plus warmer weather, often comes a boost in motivation to set some new goals. For many of us, this involves some sort of spring cleaning. Whether it’s spring cleaning your home, your office, or just organizing other areas of your life, getting things in place as we approach a new season is a great way to boost your mood.

We’re sharing how some spring cleaning may be able to give you that mood and productivity boost we all could use after the cold, long winter. 


Here's How Spring Cleaning May Boost Your Mood 

#1 You’ll Feel Less Overwhelmed 

Clutter often comes with an overall sense of overwhelm. But, when you take some time to do some spring cleaning and organize that space in your home you’ve been meaning to tackle for some time or clean your office desk, you may feel a weight lifted off of your shoulders. 

Instead of waking up and looking at the clutter, you’ll not only drop the sense of overwhelm, but you’ll feel accomplished for tackling that task. It’s a win, win! 

#2 You Can Set Up a System That Works For You 

There’s no better time than when you’re doing some spring cleaning around the house than to set up a new organization system that works for you. Think about how you can utilize the baskets sitting around your house to organize paperwork or the items on your desk. Or, invest in a shelf or cubby system that helps you get and stay more organized. 

Feeling like you have everything organized will leave you feeling less stressed, and with less stress comes a better mood. 

#3 Add Some Lavender to Your Spring Cleaning 

Cleaning products are generally scented, but ditch the artificially fragranced cleaners and go eco-friendly instead. If you’re looking for that “clean” smell, try diffusing some lavender essential oils. It will leave your space smelling amazing and may help you feel a bit more relaxed too. 

Make The Most of Spring Cleaning 

Whether you dread cleaning or find it rewarding, we can’t deny the mood-boosting power having a de-cluttered space offers us. Spring cleaning may give us the same feeling we get after a good run, all due to an endorphin and adrenaline rush! So, prioritize some spring cleaning as we enter into this new season and enjoy all the benefits it has to offer for our mood. 


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