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5 Tips for a “Greener” Non-Toxic Home

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5 Tips for a “Greener” Non-Toxic Home

Toxins are hidden everywhere, and it’s hard to completely avoid the toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis. From the toxic ingredients found in The Standard American Diet to the environmental toxins we are exposed to from the air we breathe in, it’s so important to take the necessary steps to reduce our exposure as much as we possibly can.

One place we can start is by cleaning up our homes, and believe it or not, it’s fairly easy to create a “greener” home environment by making just a couple of changes.

Here are five tips for creating a “greener” and non-toxic home.


5 Tips For A "Greener" Home


#1 Make Your Own Cleaning Products: Making your own cleaning products is one of the best ways to reduce your toxin exposure at home. Toss all of the store-bought cleaning products, and make your own using castile soap, water, and a few drops of citrus essential oil. White vinegar also acts as a natural disinfectant, and baking soda is a great option for cleaning sinks and showers as it helps to cut grime and will make your sink look super shiny and clean!

#2 Stop Using Air Fresheners & Candles: Air fresheners and candles contain artificial fragrance that carry different toxins and can cause respiratory issues. Skip the air fresheners and candles altogether. If you want to freshen up your home a bit, try investing in an oil diffuser and using pure grade essential oils instead.

#3 Use a Natural Laundry Detergent: Laundry detergent is another big source of fragrance and added chemicals. Many of the ingredients in commercial laundry detergent products cause skin irritation. Try choosing a more natural option that is free from artificial fragrance, harsh chemicals, and dyes, and is hypoallergenic. A great resource for finding a greener non-toxic laundry detergent is The Environmental Working Group website. You can find safer alternatives on this site for just about any cleaning and household product.

#4 Plant a Garden: Another way to go green is to plant your own garden and grow some fresh herbs, spices, fruits, and veggies. This will help you reduce your herbicide and pesticide exposure that is commonly sprayed on store-bought produce. If gardening intimidates you, start small! Try growing fresh herbs first, and go from there as you get the hang of it.

#5 Choose Glass VS Plastic: Choose glass storage containers whenever you possibly can to help avoid plastic to avoid BPA and BPS exposure. Use glass to store your leftover foods in and mason style jars for things like drinks and smoothies.

There are many things you can do to create a more non-toxic home. With just a handful of changes, you can reduce your toxin and chemical exposure which will ultimately help support your health in more ways than one. Change the things that you can to help reduce your toxic load.


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