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Finding Balance

Posted by DrVims Admin on
Finding Balance

Finding Balance    


In this episode of the Power Plant Podcast, we talk about finding balance.  We have a special guest on our show today. Rey Cardenas owns a yoga studio in Downtown Austin, TX. We chat with Rey about his past career as a professional poker player who would turn to yoga to help him find his calm while playing poker or dealing with feelings of isolation while also reducing stress. He left his career as a poker player, and opened up his own yoga studio after realizing that he wanted to start a career in yoga.  

We also talk about how important it is to find balance in your life as many of us work stressful jobs and don’t spend enough time taking care of ourselves. We talk about some things that can help bring you balance.


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We also take a call from Nathan who is looking for tips on improving digestive health where Rey gives a helpful tip of focusing on slow exhales and practicing yoga twists. Fon also gives tips on digestive bitters, digestive enzymes, and slippery elm. We also touch on adaptogens and how they can help you restore balance in your life. 

If you are looking to find ways to bring balance into your life, tune into this episode of the Power Plant Podcast to learn about various ways to do that naturally.



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