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Is Vegan Eating Really That Hard? Here Are 4 Ways to Add More Plants to Your Diet Without Sacrificing Flavor

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Is Vegan Eating Really That Hard? Here Are 4 Ways to Add More Plants to Your Diet Without Sacrificing Flavor

Wondering if adding more plant-based foods to your diet would be a challenge? We’re sharing four ways to add more plants to your diet without sacrificing flavor, because plant-based eating can be delicious! 


4 Ways to Add More Plants to Your Diet 

#1 Try Meatless Mondays 

Try doing Meatless Mondays where you only eat plant-based foods. By starting with just one day a week, it can seem less daunting than trying to eat plant-based all the time. And, if you make a few extra servings, you’ll have leftovers to carry into the week making it even easy to add more plants to your diet. 

#2 Sprinkle On the Nutritional Yeast

Try skipping the cheese and sprinkle some nutritional yeast over your zucchini noodles or your plant-based chili. It adds a cheesy flavor without the dairy! 

#3 Munch on Some Homemade Trail Mix 

Try snacking on some homemade trail mix as a nutritious and filling plant-based snack. You can mix some up with almonds, walnuts, cashews, and raw cacao nibs for a yummy treat. 

#4 Try Swapping out Meat For Lentils on Taco Tuesday 

If you're a big fan of taco Tuesday, try making your tacos plant-based! Swap out the meat for lentils and add some taco seasoning and top with guac and salsa. It’s a super easy swap, and you may be surprised at how tasty it is. 

Eat More Plants, Fuel Your Body 

Fueling your body with more plant-based foods is a great way to support overall health. If you’ve been trying to add more plant-based foods to your diet, try these four hacks — they prove that vegan eating doesn’t have to be a huge challenge and that you don’t have to give up all of your favorite foods. 


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